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Creative Director


     Travis has been a volunteer with the Foundation's many projects and more recently with the International COVID-19 Community Welfare Check Survey. He was one of the  dedicated "special populations" Regional Managers that worked tirelessly to increase the survey's participation to over Six Million spanning 6 of the 7 continents.  It was during this time that the staff discovered Travis' talent for visual expressions through design.

     As an Advisory Board Member, Travis will be well positioned, through his design and creative experience, to advise and manage all related projects across all multi-media platforms of the Foundation and its dependent components.

     Exclaim Studio's focus, according to Travis, is to "...bring to our audience quality art, (through our) various artists..." Exclaim Studio is an independent comic company" (and a full service design firm.)

     We Welcome Travis Jones to our Diverse and a Kinetic Advisory Board and look forward to working with him for many years to come.


USA Phone: +1 313.727.4853



International Project Manager

Statistics and Bioinformatics Lead

     Timothy, has been a friend of the Foundation and its many projects since 2019 when he was the Supervisory Bio-statistician at the Achimota Government Hospital in Ghana. He actually came to attention of Foundation's volunteers in West Africa as result of his national positive notoriety in his home country of Ghana as a motivational speaker, a honors student at his universities and as an ordained minister in the Seven Day Adventist Church in Ghana. He was know as an outspoken self-less young man with an overwhelming desire to ameliorate the lives of his African countrymen.

     Timothy volunteered to help design the initial survey tool for the International COVID-19 Community Welfare Check Survey prior to its launch in 2020. He worked with other West African Regional Managers to broaden the reach of the Survey to include many Islamic households which propelled the results to exceed the projects goals by over six million participants.

     Timothy started as volunteer promoted to a paid staffer in Ghana. Timothy is now a Doctoral student in Statistics and Bio-informatics in the United states. He has consented to remain with the Survey to complete the final project report via a scholarly peer reviewed book. In addition, he has suggested that a follow up survey to be done on COVID-19 as the World has learned a lot since the "pandemic" started..

     Timothy's over a decade of work and educational experience makes him an welcomed Advisory Board Member of the Foundation.  The Foundation's Executive Board wishes him well in his continued educational pursuits.


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